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DYSMENHORREA – Cadaveric Feast of Regurgitated Carnage CD
6,49 € – 6,99 €
1 Rotting Pile
2 Blistering Human Pyre
3 Manifestations Of Horrid Emissions
4 Sanguine Organs Secreting
5 Dormant Funguslike Eruptions
6 Deep-Fried Anal Prolapse
7 Feasting On Fermented Cerebral Slop
8 Fetid Death Rattles
9 Offal Effervesce
10 Acrid Intestinal Crepitation
11 Grotesque Gastric Fistulas
12 Organizing Expired Meat
13 Leaking Necrotic Infection
14 Deflagrated Occular Orifices
15 Weeping Sore
16 Death Collapse The Final Motion
17 Congenital Cranial Abnormalities
18 Harvesting Scrambled Intestines
19 Re-Decomposed
20 Erupting Bowel Distention
21 Virulent Bowel Collapse
22 Vehement Entrail Emancipation
23 Split Wide Open And Explored
24 Process Of Fluid Collection
25 Fermenting Final Excrement
26 Repugnant Exoriation
27 Liquidized Fetal Stodge
28 Spasmodic Convulsions
29 Coated With Pestiferous Boils
30 Garotting On Shattered Glass
31 Decapitation Frenzy
32 Aromatic Fungal Discharge
33 C.D.I. (Cadaver Decomposition Island)
34 Festering Tumours Of Fetid Rot
35 Unrecognizable Extremely Mutilated Parts
36 Violent Autopsy
37 Severe Metastatic Growths
38 Re-Animated Medical Waste
39 Esquisite Display Of Anatomical Skill
40 Cankered Disgorgement